we the suckers


diversity in the Supreme Court

Biden's pick for the Supreme Court



Slow to act CDC

The CDC had to know for months that paper and cloth masks did

not provent the Omicron Covid-19, they finally acted on 1/19/22.

Capital riot

The Capital riot of 1/6/21 inspired by

and Orchestrated by Trump !




N-95 masks

Manchin kills BBB.

RIP Build Back Better, the millionaire polluter has spoken!

Thank you, Senator Manchin

Senator Manchin, like so many other millionaires in government,

has no idea of what his constituents want or need.

How the red states may be getting redder

With the supreme court about to rule on states rights with abortion laws.

Some red states may be getting redder by the blood of

“Clothes Hanger” Abortions !


Without a strong Federal government

Without a strong federal government, corporations would

have an even greater advantage over WE THE PEOPLE

than they have now.


In God We Trust

In God we trust, religions not so much,

politicians and government not at all.




Make America the utopia it never was,

by stopping corporate greed

plant eats shit


trump beaten by biden


4075 year old prophecy written in stone (Dump Trump)

4075 year old prophecy written in stone (Dump Trump).


Republican press release machine

The Republican press release machine (a lot of bull shit)


The RINOs are coming

The Rinos are coming

Famous last words “everything is well under control”

"Everything is well under control !"

A job Trump and Pence are qualified to do!

Trump's Medicine Show


Rudy:Even with his 
blood, black 
sweat and 
Rudy could not 
alter the will
of the people !

Rudy could not change the will

of the people


Trump Not Vacating White House


TRUMP The Loser

The Loser

Trepanning a Good Treatment for All Politicians

Trepanning required for all politicians


Trump Wants Devil to Sign a Non-disclosure Agreement, After Asking His Help With Election.

In Trump's world everyone must sign non-disclosure agreements.


By Not Wearing Masks or Social Distancing They Were Asking for Covid-19

At Least 8 People Test Positive For Coronavirus After Rose Garden

Event For Barrett.


When Robots Compete, Humans Are Obsolete

When robots compete

you are obsolete!

Trump Asks God, Why Have You Forsaken Me

Up dated after Trump afflicted by Covid-19.


Mr Law And order

Our country has never seen such wide spread social unrest as it

has under the Trump administration. A major factor has been

Trump's continued divisiverhetoric, stoking white victimhood

and praising vigilantes. After breaking more laws than most

incarcerated felons, he wants to be our law and order



trump gulfing virus way


Trump Sees the Polling Results And Cries


Trepanning Trump

Every Stable Trump

Trump, Stable?

Trump's Poor Covid-19 Preformance Inspired Plaque At Mount Rushmore


Trump asks God

Trump Asks God "Why Have You Forsaken Me ?".


Red Cap With Making Americans Deaths Greater Again



2020 election candidates - Dumber And Dumber


Trump holding vote for Biden sign

Trump Has Protesters Cleared For Photo Opt.

Trump has outraged faith leaders and protesters for walking to a

historic church near the White House just for a photo opportunity

with Bible in hand, just minutes after he had police using chemical

smoke canisters and flashbangs on peaceful protesters to clear the

way for him.


Trump As Grim Reaper Asking For Help Keeping Americans Dying

‘We’re not going to close the country’ if there’s a second wave,

Trump says

Trump's Pandemic Response As Grim Reaper

If social distancing and wearing masks had been in place seven days earlier,

the United States could have prevented nearly 40,000 deaths through early May.

If Trump had enacted social distancing, masks and other measures

back in January, thousands more lives and our economy may have been saved !

Trump Listened To Wrong Sources For News About Coronavirus

Trump gets his News from the wrong sources, and drops the ball on the pandemic.

Early in 2020 Trump down plays COVID-19. He ignored warnings he received from

higher-ranking officials, scientists, national security advisers and the news media

about the virus’s growing threat. Those in the know say he has a short

attention span and rarely, if ever, reads intelligence reports.

USA Aircraft Pilot Training Program For Sauds Could Be Jihadists

May 18, 2020
The gunman in December’s shooting, a Saudi cadet who had trained with

the U.S. Air Force, had been in contact with the terrorist group. Federal

investigators found evidence linking Al Qaeda to last year’s deadly

shooting by a Saudi cadet at a U.S. military base in Pensacola, Fla.

The F.B.I. found that the gunman, Second Lt. Mohammed Saeed

Alshamrani, a Saudi Air Force cadet training with the American

military, had communicated with a Qaeda operative who had

encouraged the attacks, officials said.


Big Airlines Get Bailed Out And Lays Off Employees

Airlines asked for a $50 billion federal bailout as air travel comes to a

near halt. An industry group says the sudden drop is "having an

unprecedented and debilitating impact on U.S. airlines."


Salute it, If You Feel Inclined to, But in America Anything Legal is Optional

The Four Housemen of The Apocalypse, With Trump, Putin, Jung And Salmon

our frenemy, the Saudis

Turkey has concluded that Jamal Khashoggi, a prominent journalist

from Saudi Arabia, was killedin the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul by a

Saudi team sent “specifically for the murder,” Turkish investigators

believe a 15-member team came from Saudi Arabia. It was a

preplanned murder.

Wealth Inequallity leveling

Nancy Pelosi know how to push Trump's buttons

Nancy Pelosi know how to push Trump's buttons.

Image of Godfather Scene, with Trump as Godfather

with Chris Christie kissing his ring.

Trump as a Star Trek money hungry Ferengi.